Wednesday, May 14, 2008

"Wanna Hang Out?" Awkward Excuses Not To.

1.) "If I hung out with you, then I'd have to hang out with everyone I didn't want to. I have to draw the line somewhere."
2.) "I get along better with animals, so if you have a cat..."
3.) "I have to go get drunk first. Call me in an hour, I'll be down for anything by then."
4.) "I TiVo'd this thing on the History Channel about Hitler...wait, I'm not a nazi. I just like history. No, really, I can't hang out."
5.) "I have to wax something"
6.) "I can't. I'm depressed. I can't do anything, actually."
7.) "I have other plans, it just might take me a minute to remember them."
8.) "I have to go to a meeting" (and it's 9 p.m.)
9.) "I'm working on saying no, so maybe next week?"
10.) "Can't. I've got a wicked bout of staph"
11.) "On weekdays, I just like to hang out naked and eat ice-cream, sorry"
12.) "Ah, no. Warcraft Wednesdays."
13.) "I have to finish my E-Harmony personality test."
14.) "My P.O.'s coming over tonight actually"
15.) "I just came down. Hang out? yeah right."
16.) "I've got to get right with God."
17.) "I'm practicing magic tricks. I've almost got em down."
18.) "My WebCam show airs tonight. Cross your fingers!"
19.) "I'm actually trying to have sex with my neighbor tonight"
20.) "I have to feed my mother"

1 comment:

thisisawkward said...