So I was stalking my friend the other day on the A train and I realized that some people might think that what I was doing was obsessive, perhaps even creepy. Well, I think that it's time to change the way we think about stalkers because nowadays everyone is a stalker, whether it's secretly or in plain view. Yes, that guy that stalks his girlfriend and leaves notes saying "I'm going to kill you...you're mine...etc." is creepy, but what about the other degrees of stalking? Myspace and the Facebook are sites that are supposed to enable people to stay in touch with their friends and distant acquaintances, but in reality it's a stalker's playground and everyone is invited to play on the jungle gym. And you know what? Everyone does. Even people who have issued restraining orders against others are guilty of using these sites for the purpose of stalking others. How many times have you gone onto Myspace to check your mail and found yourself hours later looking obsessively at pictures of the friends of one of your friends, or reading over the messages received by an ex-boyfriend's/girlfriend's friend who you think they might be dating now even though you were told "we're just friends"? An hour later you know all about this person; Their life's goals, their favorite books and movies, where they are going to be tomorrow. Then, all of a sudden your roommate walks in and you are overcome by a surge of guilt and embarrassment. You panic and try to hide what you've been doing by clicking on a different window. You try to get involved in this other website you just clicked on but deep down inside can't stop thinking about how creepy and sketchy you really are.
Is this any less creepy than someone who is physically stalking someone around the city? Probably, but it definitely fits into some type of stalker category. Call me crazy but I think the only thing that stops people from actually stalking others is the fear that they might seem weird or be labeled as a "stalker". But if you knew nobody would ever know or find out, is there not someone in your life that you would want to follow around to really know what they're up to? Well, I will be the first to put myself out there by saying, "I am a stalker and I am proud to be one". It's time for us to join forces and use our talents for good instead restraining orders. Stalkers of the world unite!
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