I am a dolphin enthusiast and I strongly believe that dolphins secretly rule the world.
Humans undoubtedly have control over the land, but they are powerless over the oceans and let's face it, over 75% of the earth is covered in water.
Humans haven't even been to every part of the ocean and from what we know we have little understanding of it. I believe that dolphins are the kings of the sea. They travel in gangs and speak in a language unbeknown to us, yet it could be more complex than anything we've ever imagined. For example, in 2000 dolphins saved a young boy from drowning off the coast of Italy. After they got the boy, they carried him above water and brought him to shore because they knew for some reason that this human could not survive under water and that he needed to be brought to land. But how did they know this? It takes an intense level of understanding to recognize differences between species and then cater to the different needs of each animal you come in contact with.
Sharks scare the shit out of humans. Yet, wherever you see a dolphin you will never find a shark because sharks are in turn scared
shitless of dolphins. For a huge ferocious powerful animal to actually be scared of a smaller and weaker one, that animal must have an ability that overpowers the other animal's strength. Do you know what that power is? It's intelligence. However, sharks are not scared of humans, so Dolphins must
posses a different kind of brainpower, one that we humans cannot even fathom.
I think that dolphins know more than we think they do. Humans dump all their waste that is full of secrets and information about the land into the oceans and do you know who sees it? You guessed it, the magicians of the sea. Our
flippered friends could be a great ally to have. If the
humans formed an alliance with the dolphins they could potentially change the face of this planet as we know it.
Did you know that in the 20t
h century both the Russians and the Americans performed many military procedures with the aid of dolphins? The navy used the aid of dolphins to attach bombs to enemy ships. While this is fucked up, it shows that humans and dolphins have worked together in the past. Now, if we could form a new bond with the dolphins, one based on the acquisition of peace instead of the desire to destroy our enemies I believe that together we could make the world a beautiful place.