Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My room smells like Punjabi and I'm almost ok with it

As I turned off Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gam and turned on my M.I.A CD, I peered over at my Indian roommate (in the PC sense, she’s actually from India) and realized that I have become obsessed with all the mystery that India has to offer me. Unfortunately I am not writing this to tell you how enticing the people and culture of India are. This is about how Bollywood films are solely responsible for transforming myself into an awkward recluse. I spend hours at the Ann Arbor public library watching movies about Indians who fall in love, find aliens, rob banks, and everything in between while performing randomly placed song and dance numbers. I don’t know what it is about these films but I can’t stop watching them. The people at the library think I’m taking a film class focusing on Hindi cinema. They think this because I told them I was after renting my eighth movie. Hey, better to be a liar than a creeper. Besides I don’t want them to cut me off, and they really might if they knew I was renting all these movies for my own personal enjoyment. My friends already call me “Bollywood” I don’t need some stranger thinking I have deep-seated issues and have decided to use Bollywood movies to escape from reality. Not that this is why I watch these movies. For myself, it’s as if I’ve wandered upon an untapped resource of entertainment, and I plan to use this resource until I can’t look at my roommate with out being overcome by the urge to throw rice all around the room while dancing in a Pashmina. Maybe she’d finally move out and stop stinking up the room with the damn scent of curry, the one thing I hate about India. Yes, the scent lingers and makes your room smell like ass and there’s nothing better than returning home after a long day of school and work to a room that smells like some dog farted in it and then ran away. But I really must say, if you are an awkward person who happens to also be bored I would not hesitate to look into Bollywood films.


Anonymous said...

You are the trendiest blog ever.

The Third Alternative said...

Is that John?

Anonymous said...
